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East Bay XC Camp

Join us for our FIRST EAST BAY CAMP hosted at Hayward High School. This full day camp will include running skills and drills training, as well as presentations from Nike (shoe fitting), a UCSF Nutritionist (fueling for sport), SFSU Assistant Coach (demystifying the college recruiting process), and our resident Olympian (Shannon Rowbury). Snacks and Lunch included. 

Sept 10, 2023 
@ Hayward High School Track 

“Hearing all of the counselors stories is very touching and really is going to be another motivation for me to do better.”

Mt. Eden High School, 16 yrs old

“Hearing Sierra speak about college opportunities made me feel like I could still have a chance at running at UCB. It lifted most of my worries and encouraged me to try so much harder this year.”

Pinole Valley High School, 17 yrs old

“I learned so much from every single presentation. Something that I think will be very helpful was the nutrition presentation because eating enough and eating enough nutrients was something i have always struggled with.”

Athlete, 15 years old

Shannon’s presentation was everything I needed to see. She has helped me settle up my decisions of taking running to the next stage in my life. I want to be a role model and someone young girls know they can trust or want to be like.

—High School Athlete, 17 years old


We asked all our campers about their experience. The response was OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE.

Please rate the quality of the camp lectures:

Did you learn new training skills?


Concord High School x Alaska Air - Running Camp (2024)


Shannon Rowbury's High School XC Camp (June 5-9, 2023)